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General Questions

It is possible! Some appointments can be double-booked. Additionally, appointment times outside of regular business hours are possible. Call or text for appointment availability outside of normal business hours.

While we have no aversions to using the other products, we have had great experiences and patient satisfaction with the Xeomin and love that it does not contain unnecessary proteins and additives that the other products contain. Xeomin generally has the same length of duration, and dosing is the same as Botox, while the price can be lower.

We can treat children over the age of 12 and over 100 pounds. We will complete health assessments before services to evaluate for treatment. Only IV treatments are available to minors at this time.

Most IV therapies would be safe for those pregnant or breastfeeding. We request that you wait for all other treatments until you are no longer pregnant or breastfeeding.

Unfortunately, at this time, we are not accepting insurance. All services are cash-based and payable by VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Venmo, check, or cash. We may use HSA cards depending on the plan. Ask for more details.


Most IVs can be completed in an hour or less. Time may be faster or slower depending on what IV is wanted and how much total volume will be infused. NAD+ infusions take longer, usually at least 2 hours for those new to NAD+, and can be longer depending on how well the patient feels during the injection. Please plan accordingly, as speeding up the infusion may not be an option.

At this time, three people can receive infusions simultaneously at our location.

Getting an IV during another service can always be an option if the business providing your other service is okay with it. We will place an IV while you are in their suite and offer a portable IV pole. Our cell phone number will be provided for you to text or call once your IV is completed. Additionally, all services are discounted if you receive assistance at any other Monogram Salon Suite business on the same day. Ask about getting a B-12 shot or Skinny Shot on your way out!

While there are some inherent risks with all procedures, the expertise and knowledge of our providers do everything possible to lessen, if not eliminate, those risks. With that said, IV therapy is a very safe way to provide and administer vitamins or minerals to those lacking them and to hydrate those in need quickly and effectively.

Different vitamins benefit various areas of our health, and IV therapies can improve your skin’s health, appearance, and strength. Our Revive blend is specially designed for skin health! It includes B-complex, which can contribute to the overall appearance and health and improve the power in your hair, skin, and nails. Our blend provides biotin, known for skin, hair, and nail health, and glutathione. This powerful antioxidant removes free radicals, which can contribute to dull-looking skin.

IV therapies are known to help fatigue, boost immunity, improve skin and provide other health benefits, but occasionally a patient may feel more tired after the infusion. This post-infusion tiredness is usually short-lived but is a good thing! As a simplified explanation, the infusions are working to help detox the body. As the injection is detoxing your cells, the toxins in your cells are released, leaving your cells “cleaner,” Those toxins are being removed from your body and can make you feel a little tired in that process.

Unless otherwise discussed or requested, all IVs are in a base of 1000 ml of normal saline or lactated ringers. 500 ml bags are available.

Getting an IV is not generally painful and can be completely painless! Usually, a little pinch is felt when IV is placed, but topical numbing spray or creams are available if needed.

COVID has caused a drastic and dramatic impact on our world and in our communities. Many infected with COVID may suffer difficult symptoms and lasting side effects. Even those with minor cases can leave you feeling exhausted, sluggish, and unable to think clearly. Receiving IV treatments can help alleviate your symptoms and make you feel better faster. While we can customize any IV to each patient’s needs, our Restore blend is fantastic for COVID support and boosting your immune system. It not only includes a full liter of fluid to combat likely dehydration, but our added vitamins and minerals can reduce inflammation, increase energy, improve immune function, and decrease viral replication.

While several factors may impact how long you may experience benefits from the treatment, generally, you can expect to experience benefits such as improved concentration, increased energy, and elevated mood anywhere from 3-4 days up to 2 weeks.

Regenerative Therapies

Regenerative medicine is focused on developing and using various treatments to heal one’s body and improve function that we may lose due to aging, damage, or disease. At this time, Az IV Vitality provides PRP and Human Cellular Tissue Products or HCTP (previously frequently referred to as stem cell therapy). We are happy to answer any questions about those treatments and if they can benefit you.

The treatment we provide for knees is a minimally invasive procedure that allows us to introduce HCTP into your body to help it heal and restore itself. The product is injected into the joint of injury, which may include the knees, and can benefit reduced inflammation, decreased pain, and improved function. Knee conditions often treated with these products include osteoarthritis, cartilage degenerative, and acute injuries such as torn ACL, MCL, or meniscus.

HP products are FDA-regulated but not FDA-approved. They are still considered experimental procedures, so we cannot guarantee the outcome.

While there is no unanimous conclusion regarding the efficacy or benefit of HCTP injections or treatments, some studies have reported success rates of over 80%. With that said, these treatments are not suitable for all patients. Please schedule a consultation to review your history and see if you are a candidate for these treatments.

While all procedures carry a risk, HCTP treatments are generally safe procedures. All patients are screened and assessed for suitability, and our provider follows proper cell administration techniques and cleanliness protocols. Our experience and knowledge of the topic allow us to mitigate potential problems in every way possible.

Currently, these HCTP procedures are not covered by insurance.

PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma and a treatment for various musculoskeletal injuries that uses your body’s healing abilities. Platelets are a component of our blood and are responsible for helping our blood clot. Platelets also contain cytokines and growth factors that can help encourage healing and repair injuries.

PRP is obtained by starting with a blood draw from the patient in the office at the start of the appointment. The blood is then spun down in a centrifuge, which separates the blood into layers. The layer that contacts the most platelets and is “platelet-rich” is injected into the injury site or area to be treated.

Studies have shown that the increased concentration of platelets and growth factors in PRP can speed up the healing process. The actual process by which PRP activates healing is quite complex but made. The PRP injections activate our bodies’ healing abilities but increase many times over. Platelets also reduce the action of inflammation cells while also enhancing cellular growth. The included growth factors then stimulate and activate the healing of soft tissues and bone.

Research shows therapeutic potential in various orthopedic or sports-related injuries. PRP can treat ligament injuries, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff injuries, tendon injuries, tennis elbow, and jumper’s knee. One of the most common conditions PRP has been helpful is osteoarthritis of joints, specifically the knees. Additionally, PRP is also being used for aesthetic treatments. Ask us about our affiliate business that offers these treatments!

At this time, PRP procedures are not covered by insurance.


NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is an essential coenzyme in every cell in our body and is responsible for our cells’ energy and health. NAD+ ensures the proper function of our cells and is integral in protecting our bodies from aging and disease. Unfortunately, as we age, NAD+ decreases, leading to cellular DNA damage and age-related diseases.

NAD+ levels are age-dependent; when that level decreases, it can affect your metabolism, DNA, organ function, and overall health and well-being. NAD+ infusions are beneficial because they bypass your gut and liver metabolism and can be absorbed directly into the cells. Increased NAD+ levels can protect the brain, provide anti-aging effects, improve muscle and exercise recovery, promote weight loss, combat depression, increase energy, improve cognition and mental clarity, and improve overall general wellness.

NAD+ has shown anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects and regulatory effects on immune responses. Additionally, viral infections, including coronavirus infections, can deplete our NAD+ stores. COVID is still a pandemic affecting our friends, families, and communities. Not only can IV infusions and NAD+ infusions help with the symptoms of COVID, but NAD+ also acts as a viral infection modulator. Decreased NAD+ levels due to age and comorbidities correlate with more severe forms of COVID. While the correlation between NAD+ depletion and consequences of COVID isn’t fully known or understood, several studies support increasing levels of NAD+ for prevention, mediation, symptom relief, decreased illness time, and long COVID recovery.

NAD+ and metabolism are intertwined, and we know that metabolism is a critical factor in weight loss. Studies have shown that increased NAD+ levels correlate with an increased metabolism which translates to improved weight loss. Increased NAD+ levels also lead to enhanced endurance and muscle strength, which will allow you to work out due to increased energy or work out more effectively. NAD+ also increases your BMR, or basal metabolic rate, which is the energy you burn at rest which in turn helps keep the weight you’ve lost off.


HRT stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy, a treatment to help relieve the symptoms of menopause or replace hormones that are at a lower level.

TRT stands for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, which treats low testosterone levels.

Testosterone is an important hormone that maintains several functions in men, including fat distribution, bone density, sex drive, and muscle mass and strength. TRT will likely help with muscle building but does need to be combined with exercise to achieve that desired outcome.

Low levels of TRT can contribute to weight gain and difficulty losing weight due to its function in fat distribution and how much muscle mass you can build and maintain. Low testosterone can increase specifically stomach fat. Combined with exercise, TRT can produce significant weight loss in men with previously low testosterone levels.

While there can be risks with TRT, and it may not be a suitable option for all men, TRT exhibits many benefits for men’s health. When a medical provider monitors and accurately assesses, TRT can produce many health benefits. Current research suggests increased risks in cardiovascular health, prostate cancer, and erythrocytosis are lacking. With adequate assessments and medical management, TRT can produce many health benefits with minimal risks.

You can share joint pain, especially with increased age. We also know that testosterone is correlated with the risk of developing arthritis. TRT can help with joint pain caused by arthritis. As testosterone is used by the body to create bones, low testosterone can affect bone density and lead to stiffness and lack of mobility or flexibility. TRT can alleviate these symptoms in men with low testosterone levels.

While testosterone alone likely does not increase one’s blood pressure, some potential secondary side effects can. One of those is potentially increased estrogen levels. If your estrogen level gets too high, it can cause sodium retention, leading to fluid retention and elevated blood pressure. In some people, TRT can cause increased red blood cell production. When the concentration of red blood cells increases, it can thicken the blood, which may also cause an elevation in blood pressure. With adequate monitoring and managing, potential risks can be discussed and watched out for.

Weight Loss

We aim to tailor each plan to the individual patient based on your goals, your history, and your starting point. We will design an individualized weight loss plan based on patient information and sometimes lab works to help you meet your goals.

Semaglutide is a medication similar to a natural hormone called GLP-1, produced in the body after eating a meal. Semaglutide is used to treat diabetes and is now FDA-approved to treat obesity and to be used for weight loss. While the weight loss effects of semaglutide are well known and appreciated, studies on semaglutide have also suggested that it is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood pressure and reducing body fat levels. Semaglutide has been called the “game changer” in weight loss options.

Semaglutide mimics GLP-1, a natural hormone that reduces appetite and stimulates insulin release but lasts longer than our natural hormones. As a result, the digestive process is delayed making you feel full longer. When you feel full, you snack and eat less. So feeling full longer, lower blood sugars due to reduced sugar production in the liver, and stimulated insulin secretion help the patient to lose weight effectively.

Semaglutide alone does not cause low blood sugar. However, combined with other medications, it can lower your blood sugar.

In trials, patients treated with semaglutide for obesity and weight loss lost more than 15% of their body weight on average.


Peptides are short-chain amino acids that are building blocks for proteins. Benefits of peptides can include:

  • Increasing muscle mass.
  • Decreasing body fat.
  • Boosting collagen for skin health.
  • Improving melanin levels.
  • Reducing inflammation.
  • Speeding healing.
  • Increasing serotonin.
  • Having antioxidant effects.

The short answer is YES! Peptide therapy is a common and effective way to speed up weight loss. Some peptides have even been shown to cause 5-10% weight loss even without changes to diet or exercise, although lifestyle changes are always beneficial to improved outcomes. Several peptides are effective in weight loss, and the one that will be best for you will be discussed with the provider and tailored to your goals and needs.

For healthy individuals, peptides are unlikely to cause serious side effects as they are similar to peptides in our bodies and foods. Misused, on the other hand, can come with serious side effects. Potential side effects may include itchiness or redness in the injection area, increased water retention, increased hunger, weight gain or loss, or dry mouth.

Depending on the peptide, the treatment course will vary. While some peptides will take 3-6 months for a patient to achieve maximum benefit, the time on each peptide may vary per patient. A different peptide will likely be a great option to switch on and off with another to maintain health benefits and notable health improvements achieved with treatment.