Hello again friends, 

So, last week my husband and I were taking a weekend trip to New Mexico when the topic of Compounding Pharmacies came up (no, I do not know how we got on the topic, but we did).

One of the questions he asked was “Why do prefer Compounding Pharmacies over brand name pharmacies?” After a moment of reflecting, I gave the following answer: “Because they are awesome!!” 

Now, while I thought that was a great answer, he followed up with “Ok, why are they awesome?” Now I had to reflect even more and here is why I think Compounding Pharmacies are awesome:

  • Compounding Pharmacies mix, or compound, the medications themselves, where as Retail Pharmacies distribute medication from a manufacturer. This results in the chain between the patient and the source of the medication much shorter.  

  • Since Compounding Pharmacies mix the medications themselves, they can provide a prescription that can be specifically tailored to the needs of the patient. For example, say you have medication that is made by a manufacturer, but it contains a substance that the patient is allergic to. What are the patient’s options? 

    • Not take the medication, and hope for the best
    • Take the medication, and hope for the best. 
    • Take the medication and try to manage the issue with another medication.
    • Go through a Compounding Pharmacy and they remove the problem ingredient.
  • Ever walked into your favorite Retail Pharmacy only to be told they are out of your medication? This usually the result of Retail Pharmacies being subject to drug manufacture’s production issues. Compounding Pharmacies mix medications as they are requested and are less impacted by the laws of supply and demand. 

  • Medication mixed by a Compounding Pharmacy is subject to the regulations and requirements as the same medication produced by a drug manufacturer’s.

With those four answers’, my husband agreed that Compounding Pharmacies were indeed awesome and hope you do too!  

Until next time, friends, Stay Healthy, Stay Strong and always Stay Amazing,

Melynda Fenn FNP-C